Text 413-300-2076 (Ann Marie Walts Marketing) info@annmariewalts.com

Fast Turn Around Time ~ Limited Sessions!


Do you still have a family tradition of sending out a holiday greeting cards?      Yes!

There is something still very special to give or receive a greeting card, and an actual card.

It is kind of ironic that technology really has encouraged us to experience a “virtually reality” when real life moment are….just that real.



Artistic Creativity & Making People Comfortable


I really am passionate about creating a very fun & comfortable experience.

If you are someone that is not really comfortable being photographed, that really is not a problem.   I strive to make each session feel like “you are visiting with a friend.”       Then during your ‘visit’….there just happens to be a camera on set.



People of All Ages


Babies –  Do what you can to try to have your baby or toddler rested and fed.    A fed baby is a happy baby!

Toddlers –  The more relaxed you are…they will be too!    I know how to work with them!

Teens –  If you are the parent, please try not to pressure them too much.     I have a teenager and know how to work with them.

Couples–  Just enjoy each other

Moms & Dads –   Enjoy each other.  Enjoy your family.    Trust me to get the shot.

Grandparents–  Be proud of what you created.





165 FRONT STREET   #3407

(413) 642-1472 Call Or Text