Text 413-300-2076 (Ann Marie Walts Marketing) info@annmariewalts.com

Still Calmness – Headshot Photography


It is my experience that most people are really not comfortable in front of the camera.   There is a definite difference between taking a “selfie” with friends and seeking out a professional headshot photographer.


How To Find Your Comfort Zone


Tips on preparing for your shoot:

  • Talk with your photographer about what to wear.   They will be able to guide you.
  • Be sure to have a consultation to communicate what you are looking for & the purpose of your shoot
  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Work with a photographer that will listen
  • Work with a photographer that can give you “suggested guidance”


Communicate who you are to the photographer.

  • Share some of your interests and hobbies

Ask yourself if you are:

  • Funky
  • Reserved
  • Quirky
  • Artsy
  • Bohemian
  • All Business
  • …….Or none of the above….. lol


When The Magic Happens –  “We Got The Shot”

I have found the faster that I am able to connect with my client, to help them feel comfortable….the better the headshot/portrait will come out.

Also, if you are nervous…it is ok, simply let your photographer know.


The beauty of headshot photography is that you do not always have to be smiling.

There is can be a “quiet still calmness” in just a gaze.


What is your Portrait Personality© say?



Thank you for reading,

~Ann Marie Walts

(413) 642-1472 Call Or Text



(Featured Laurie H.-Artist/Singer)